How To Make A Skateboard Deck? (Materials & Method)

The Skateboard deck is the heart of the Skateboard and plays an important role While performing Skateboarding. When it comes to Skateboarding, many newbies and freshers tend to go for purchasing complete boards.

Only a few professionals and lesser hobbyists opt to make a deck.

You don’t need to be surprised if I tell you that you can easily make a skateboard deck from scratch. It helps seniors skateboarders improve their skateboarding skills, as the deck can be modified in different ways to be compatible with the rider. Here is a step-by-step guide for making a skateboard deck.

How To Make A Skateboard Deck?

Skateboarders know that the deck is not just a single and thick piece of wood. Many layers of wood give the board more strength and stability.

how to make a skate board

Making a deck is the first step in creating a skateboard. You can choose the truck, wheels, and bearings if you successfully make a compatible and efficient deck.


  • Plywood or Veneers
  • PVA glue or any wood adhesive
  • Glue spreader roller
  • Hand saw
  • Pencil
  • Hydraulic press
  • Sandpaper
  • Driller
  • Sander


1. The first step is to make a sketch of a skateboard deck. You need to think about the purpose, shape, and many other features so you are clear about your deck.

how to make a skateboard deck

2. Secondly, you need to choose the types of veneers. A deck consists of multiple layers of wood. These layers include birch, plywood, Acer, Saccharum, etc. Then, select the number of layers. Must keep in mind your board’s flexibility and weight.

3. Now, Simply joins these layers together with the help of glue. While you are Joining these layers, you need to understand the importance of layers in the stability and durability of the Skateboard. Apply PVA glue or any other adhesive on the wood, then put the second layer over it. Repeat the process until you Join all seven or nine layers.

What makes a good skateboard desk?

4. These glued layers are straight, and the structure of a skateboard deck is curved. Professional deck makers use a styrofoam mold. These glued layers need to be molded into a curvaceous shape with the help of either pressing the whole structure of the board with the suction of air from a plastic bag or by placing the weight over the mold. Leave it for about 12 hours or more, and then you will get a curved structure.

5. Take a pencil and measuring tape. Now you will need to transfer the shape, measurement, and placement of the board’s truck to the multilayered and molded plywood structure.

how to make skateboard

6. Now, cut the outline you have made on the plywood with the help of a saw.

7. With the help of the drill machine, make holes that will make it easier for you to attach trucks to the deck.

8. Now, You will find the edges of the deck sharp. Use sandpaper or a sander to smoothen these edges to give a good finish.

9. Screen print the deck to give color and design to your deck.


This step-by-step guide will help you to make your own skateboard deck in easy steps.

Diyers or freshers who want to make their own skateboard deck now easily create a skateboard deck according to its size, shape, and material.

Must select the material first, put the layers together, mold, cure, shape, use a sander and paint the deck, and now you are good to go.

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